Reclaim Your CENTER Sessions

Gain the Power to Face The Monsters, Quiet the Noise and Live Your Best Life

Get Grounded in CENTEREDNESS.

Discover what Centeredness is, what it takes to achieve Centeredness, and what influences your ability to be Centered. Measure your Centeredness and complete a Vision of YOUR Center.

2 Assessments
6 Lessons

Take control of your own Emotional well-being. Learn the Core Principles needed to withstand daily stressors, resist noise, and stay energized for what is most essential to Thrive. Begin integrating Core Principles in your daily life.

1 week Core Principles application

9 Lessons

Stop the Noise that has knocked you off Center, that is creating stress and strain in your life. Assess the reason the Noise started, and determine what actions are needed to take back your control and move your way back to Center. Return your Emotional, Physical, Phycological, and Spiritual Health.
You can do this!

20 Lessons

Living a Passion filled life is accomplished by understanding how to incorporate Passion into our daily life. Doing this energizes and fills our life more completely. Connect your passion to your Center. Make a plan to integrate Passion into your daily life and take action to Ignite Your Passion.

5 Lessons

Create Your Path To Center

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This session helps you prepare an action plan to take control of your overall health. Together we discuss your current state of Centeredness, explore what Sessions are best suited for your situation, and what steps will improve your Emotional, Physical, Phycological, and Spiritual Health.

Confidential, Helpful, Insightful

Let’s talk.

2 assessments,
45-minute coaching conversation

Understand why you have lost your Center, and the impact losing your Center has had on your Emotional, Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual Health. Assess the impact of losing your Center and take steps to positively move forward.

1 Assessment

9 Lessons

Who we utilize in this important role and how we use Truth Tellers is critical in our ability to achieve Centeredness and Maintain Centeredness. Identify the right Truth Tellers. When to use Truth Tellers in your Centeredness journey, and how to engage them.

2 - 3 week application

8 Lessons

Relationship Health is essential to Centeredness. Being knocked off Center often leads to relationship damage. At times, relationships are the cause of being knocked off Center. Learn how to heal relationships that have been strained or damaged.

14 Lessons

Happiness is essential to Centeredness. Happiness doesn’t come without initiating it.  You need to engage in happiness. Happy doesn’t find you, You need to find your Happy.  When you activate happiness, you begin to spread your happiness to others.  Happiness is contagious.

6 Lessons

Learn to build Emotional Health by activating the Power of the Brain, and take action to strengthen your Physical, Relational, Phycological, and Spiritual Health. Assess your Emotional Health and take steps to drive your ability to create your own Emotional destiny. 

1 Assement

11 Lessons

The most important work you will ever do.

It is impossible to achieve Centeredness without Facing Our Monsters. Not doing this, makes us and those around us less Centered. Facing Monsters is the most freeing action one can take. Understand what your Monsters are, where they come from, and what impact they have on your Emotional, Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual Health.

33 instruments to utilize

14 Lessons

Build the Discipline of Gratitude.  Improve our Emotional, and Physical Health. Learn how to see, feel, and acknowledge Gratitude. It changes not only YOU but those around you.

6 Lessons

Centeredness is a lifelong journey. Grow your Centeredness. Proactively defend against threats that attack the Pillars of Center. Bolster your Physical and Spiritual Health. Become a Catalyst of Centeredness for others.

9 Lessons

Bring Centeredness to Your Organization

Depression alone is estimated to cost businesses $44 billion in lost productivity. $44 Billion. That impact is far-reaching, it impacts not only the employee but the employee’s family members as well.

Reclaim Your Center has measurable strategic benefits for your organization and your people.

  • Augment your mental health and wellness program

  • Utilize the program to reduce healthcare costs

  • Integrate the program in Talent Management to attract/retain, increase engagement, and reduce burnout

Make the right choice for your people and for the communities where they live and play.

Pivot At Work can work with you to customize the approach to reach your employees or members. Discounts are available for organizations.

Contact us today.

Guides and Teachers

Create Your Own Pathway To Center

Reclaim Your Center Sessions provides 12 individual Sessions. Each session is uniquely designed to address a specific step toward Centeredness. Each session offers guidance in improving Emotional, Physical, Physiological, and Spiritual Health.

An integrated approach to define, refine, and Reclaim Your Center. Based on the Core Principles of Centeredness: Emotional/Mental, Physical, Psychological, and Spiritual Health.

Everyone has a different Path to achieving Center.

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Understand How You Lose Your Center

There are many ways we lose our Center.

Learn the many ways, hidden forces that lurk in subtle and not-so-subtle ways that attack our Center. Recognize how you have been knocked off Center and the Impact it has had on your ability to live your best life. And this will prepare you to stop it from continuing as you begin to Reclaim Your Center.

Contact us.

Contact Pivot At Work by sending an email or filling out the form below.